Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Making a Prediction

I predict that the Yankees and the Boston Red Socks will go to the Playoffs. I think this because they are the best teams. And the Yankees are going to win the championship. They got a lot of fans. They have good players.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Ethics in the Media

I say no because old people see the picture in the newspaper of the army and the old people gonna get sick and cry. I don't want pictures in the newspaper because I don't want anybody to know my son died. I want some people to know he died because they are my friends and they really need to know. But, I don't want anybody to know except my best friends. I want people like my father's friends to know he died.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The Championship

The Yankees won the championship in 2007. They was the best for New York Yankee. New Yorkers were so happy because the Yankees won the championship. The Yankees were playing against Oakland. All the players were crying because they lost the championship. The Yankees won 5:6.

Monday, February 4, 2008

how do you get a college beseball scholarship?

This article was about grades and college. You need to have good grades to get a scholarship. You need to be good with your teachers. You need to learn baseball because you want to go to the major leagues. You need to record youself on videos and send it to coaches. You need to work for your scholarship and then they will give it to you. It is good to give scholarships because the players make money for the coach. The players hit home runs because they are nice.

Version for Video News Broadcast:

Do you want to play baseball? This is how you become a baseball player. First, you need to have good grades to get a scholarship. Second, you need to behave with your teachers. Third, you need to learn the plays, because you want impress the major league coaches. Finally, you need to record yourself on videos and send the videos to colleges that have the top teams.